What is art? – City dissolve 06

What is art? – City dissolve 06

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What is art? It’s a good question, which I don’t know if I can answer, it’s part of those big vital questions like saying “why do we exist?” Art is something that can be perceived rather than watched passively, that is, it requires our involvement, above all emotional, for this reason it cannot be explained or even defined. There can be no universal definition of art.

Furthermore, art is constantly evolving, it is also changing in this moment, in which we try to give it a definition that is as shared as possible.

City – dissolve 06 – triptych consisting of three illustrations in watercolor and ink on paper 3x 21x21cm – 2021

In the dictionary the definition I find is: “Art: The activity, individual or collective, from which cultural products are born that are the object of aesthetic judgments, taste reactions and the like.” (Lo Zingarelli minore)

The purpose of the work of art, therefore, is not the work itself but the fruition by someone who can understand it. Art cannot exist except within a human point of view. Without people capable of seeing and feeling something, the Mona Lisa is nothing more than a little paint on a wooden table and a book, a pile of ink-stained sheets. Ultimately, Art is everything that a certain indefinite number of people call “art”.

I believe that the answer to my initial question: what is art? Should therefore be subjective, so should I perhaps ask myself what art is for me?

For me, art is essentially a form of communication, a way to express emotions and feelings. The best artist is the one who manages to dig deep into the human soul, acts as a mirror to the viewer allowing them to dialogue with themselves, with the inner self. It is right there in the depths where we all look alike, where differences in nationality and language disappear. Art is therefore a universal language.

The language of art to be universal must speak with the heart and must call to the heart. In this regard, an art teacher of mine comes to mind when I was still in school, he made us perform many exercises to exercise the “right” part of the brain, which is precisely the part that manages emotions, The right hemisphere it contains our freer sides: here we find instinct, creativity, and indeed Art.

A artwork ‘works’, therefore, when it moving, this is how it is printed in the viewer’s memory. This is why an ancient masterpiece move as much as a contemporary one. The principle of creation is the same.

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I’ll be happy to hear your opinions, share and comment me on social networks, or write me an email to info@piccoloclaudia.com, see you soon,

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