Libertà – OUT DELUXE

Freedom: I drew this mini-story again in 2001, certainly many years ago, however more relevant than ever in the light of the current events due to the pandemic that unfortunately involved us all. In the mini-comic, 6 pages without words, the little bird, locked in its cage, speaks through facial …

Around the world

Cover of the comic book anthology: “Around the world”, Cagliostro E-Press, 2010. Ink on paper, Adobe Photoshop. AROUND THE WORLD is a comic anthology by Claudia Piccolo: It all started with the idea of ​​collecting together various short stories that I had already made over the years, the result of …

Arturo the train

ARTURO THE TRAIN Published on “VIVI IL TEMPO” – Comunika editions, Thiene (VI). A monthly for children and families that was distributed in the main municipalities of Altovicentino. Every month illustrations for the little ones with the Arturo train, written and drawn by Claudia Piccolo.  DOWNLOAD PDF with the ARTURO TRAIN …

Erano altri tempi

REM, June 2011.This new issue, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, collects contributions from authors who have agreed to write in the various sections, outlining various aspects of a historical and social nature, of the daily news and of the characters that have characterized these 150 …

Paolo and Priscilla

Published on “VIVI IL TEMPO” – Comunika editions, Thiene (VI) Italy. A monthly for children and families that was distributed in the main municipalities of Altovicentino (north of Vicenza) Italy. Every month a story of Paolo and Priscilla written and drawn by Claudia Piccolo. 1. SETTEMBRE 2008 “Il primo giorno di …