Pilú was published with Apogeo publisher

Pilú was published with Apogeo publisher

“Pilù il picchio sognatore” was published thanks to Apogeo publisher (from Adria, Italy).

The Pilù project, consisting of a book: “Pilù il picchio sognatore” and two activity notebooks: “Disegna e colora con Pilù” and “Colora con Pilù”.

Pilù il picchio sognatore by Apogeo Editore can be PURCHASED ONLINE at Euro 7.90 (paper) or 2.99 (pdf) on the publisher’s website: www.apogeoeditore.it or in any online bookstore and not with ISBN code: 9788898608812

Colora e disegna con Pilù can be PURCHASED ONLINE for Euro 4.90 (paper) on the publisher’s website: www.apogeoeditore.it or in any online and non-online bookstore with ISBN: 9788898608836 and ISBN: 9788898608829